April 7, 2009

tired of studying..

..so I'm blogging instead.

I am sitting here trying to do anything but more school work.  I don't know what it is, but I get in certain moods where I am tired of doing school work and have absolutely no motivation to do any work.  I can't focus at all.  While letting my mind wander and thinking how I procrastinate and avoid doing a lot of homework and studying unless I am under pressure, I was reminded of my ceramics class in high school and the inspiring and somewhat crazy words of Mr. Watson, the eclectic ceramics teacher. Each day he had a quote or thought of the day.  Much of those words have left my memory, however, some have stayed.  One idea that we talked about I have thought about frequently, and my memory reminded me again about it tonight.  It is the idea that students are like a boiling pot of water.  We don't move or do anything until heat is applied.  Now I don't remember the exact quote but that is the gist of the idea and how true it is.  So many times I wont do work unless it is due the next day, or even in the next couple hours.  Rather than being on top of things and spreading things out over a few days, I tend to wait til the last possible time that I can to start working and still have enough time (hopefully) to finish.  

me = stagnant pot of water. 

Perhaps some day I'll be a little bit better about not procrastinating all my homework until the last minute, but as for now, I don't see it happening anytime soon.  But hey, thanks for the inspiring words Mr. Watson, maybe one day I'll turn these thoughts into actions.


Britt Linde said...

Thata girl. You just left. I miss you already. We must reunite.

Mike said...


Don't worry.... you're in advertising, where procrastination and cramming before deadlines is KING! YES!

Sarah Orme said...

oh you cool pot of non-boiling water. Think of the capabilities of water...water power, sustainable life, cooling, quenching....you can be all of these without heat applied. So when you choose to boil you will be my favorite pot of boiling water, but if you choose to chill..you will be my favorite pot of chilling water. Both great.

Mike said...

Wow. sarah's was WAY better, just like she told me.

Brandon and Katie said...

i know how you feel... we are taking online byu independent study classes. KILL ME! we have a whole year to finish a course so it is VERY difficult to stay self-motivated and just do it!! at least you have deadlines. me= a pot of water set to low temp. haha :) love you my beautiful friend!

Unknown said...

eh...I'll just post later when heat's applied.