August 5, 2009

growing up with harry potter.

I recently saw the 6th Harry Potter movie (midnight showing of course) and the best part about watching the movie is not the movie itself, but the environment and magical vibe. Midnight showings are always filled with adults and kids alike who love Harry Potter and are there to show their support and loyalty to the world of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Many people dress up (including myself), perhaps in hopes that we'll feel like we too can fit in at Hogwart's. Being amongst fellow zealous Harry fans makes me feel normal for constantly hoping for an acceptance letter from Hogwart's or that I consider myself to be apart of the DA (Dumbledore's Army), or that I refer to Harry, Ron, and Hermione as if they were long time friends. Now some of you who most unfortunately didn't read the books or never felt that magic may think I am completely crazy, but for those friends- and I know you are out there, know exactly what I am talking about. We grew up with Harry. We opened and turned those pages for the first time with excitement and wonder-like the first time Harry found out he was a wizard and not some ordinary boy living underneath the stairs. Reading the books, we too became no ordinary young readers, but were swept up in the magic, right along with Harry.

These books were much more than a simple story written on a napkin, but the creation of a whole new world- one that felt so real, that even now some of us wonder if we are just merely muggles unable to tap into the magical world we so wish to be apart of. Luckily for us, Orlando Studios is building a Harry Potter theme park. If Harry Potter theme park lives up to all that I think it can be, Disneyland may be replaced as the happiest place on earth. I have many ideas on what they could do for the theme park and I have discussed many of these with fellow fans. Now clearly it will be no Hogwart's but anything closely related to the magical world is alright by me. Maybe i'll be able to find a portkey that will take me to the real deal- one can only hope.

I didn't just read Harry Potter, I grew up with him. When I wasn't reading or re-reading one of the books I was counting down the days til the next one came and the fight against voldemort would press on. Very sadly those days are over. Sure I have some movies to look forward to which is fun, but it is nothing like the anticipation that comes from waiting for the newest book. My fellow fans can agree that finishing the last book was a bittersweet day. It marked the end of an era. a very good era. Sure we can go back and read the books, read them to our future kids, go to HP theme parks, and attend midnight showing, but never will we again open up the books for the first time and faithfully yet greedily pry through each page in search for the next magical adventure we hope to be absorbed into.

So for those who are reading this and haven't read or finished the HP series I hope this encourages you to read them. You are lucky to have the books ahead of you for the first time so sieze up your fortunate opportunity. As for my fellow fans and I, I think JK Rowling said it best in her 7th book dedication:

"The dedication of this book is split seven ways: to Neil, to Jessica, to David, to Kenzie, to Di, to Anne, and to you, if you have stuck with Harry until the very end."

We grew up with Harry and and being the loyal fans that we are, stood by him until the bitter end. This is my praise and adoration for the 7 books and the characters and stories within them that I came to love. Here's to you, Harry Potter.


Maren said...

oh kellee, I love Harry Potter, and I love you for having a post about him!

Annie said...

you're right, i am out here kel, a fellow desperate seeker of the hogwarts acceptance letter. paragraph 3 was especially moving and the quote almost pushed me over.
thanks for the tribute.
miss you!

Brandon and Katie said...

Okay I'm pretty much crying right now. I really do have chills hahahahaha! Brandon and I have been watching all the movies this past week every night and I can't stop dreaming about going there. Did you know that my cousin and I drew out a whole Harry potter theme park. Orlando would steal our idea. Can't wait for it though! Are you coming to visit on nov 3? Please do! Even though you're blind and can't see the beautiful sunsets on the beach you'll still love it I promise! ;). Love you beautiful blind friend!!! Harry for life!

Mark and Callie said...

so i don't know you and you don't know me. I'm sorry to be blog stalking you, but i saw the post title on Kat's blog and had to read. I completely agree. Thanks for the post, it reminded me of how much i miss Harry and the gang, wishing i could apparate, play quidditch, and not be just another muggle!

Emily Frame said...

i was thinking about this the other day... i've been reading since i was 12 years old... crazy!

thanks for your comment ;)