February 10, 2010

birthday fun and portfolio done!

Well I think my post title sums up what I've been doing and why I haven't been around on the ol' blogosphere. Birthday was great. 22. Feels good, feels adult-like. Perhaps that's because Mandi and I brought in our birthday by having a quinceanera, we may not of turned 15 but we most certainly came of age and entered into womanhood. (pictures to come.. wait don't I always say that and never post pictures? sorry..) Again, feels really good. Maybe 2010 is really my year, cuz we all know we had such high hopes for 2009 and it really let us down.. So I am really banking on the twenty-ten. Looking promising so far between the coming of age quinceanera and summer in new york to look forward to...

which bring me to my next point,

I just turned in my portfolio for nyc. My professor will be taking it to a variety of agencies and soon I will know where I am going. wild. a summer working in new york with two fellow candy shoppers and bfs, her and her. 2010 you really are looking good.

Well after all the craziness that was last weekend and the legitimate all-nighter that I pulled sunday night/monday morning, I was so thrilled to have my portfolio done. I think I felt like Christopher Walken in this music video. Thought I'd share since it's pretty funny stuff. enjoy:

anyways, welcome back bloggers. It feels good to be here.

1 comment:

mandi winterton said...

I remember watching this video on morning MTV. Loved it then. Love it now. Love you always.